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HMLTD And Honey Harper

As mentioned earlier, I had to repost this post again on my second attempt. I have listened to a lot of HMTLTD West of Eden and Honey Harper Starmaker with their latest albums of this year.

Although the two music artists are very different in terms of musical styles, they share some commonality between them despite them being beginning with H on their name, and releasing an album in 2020 this year.

They have that glam rock look and feel to them where HMLTD are glam punk with indie roots, Honey Harper is certainly cosmic country, glam country, indie folk with again some indie and country roots, it certainly is uniquely and hard to define that genre.

In particular I love the tracks Loaded, To The Door, Satan, Luella & I, Mikey’s SOng, and lank Slate from HMLTD, they are certainly infectious groovey catchy songs and from Honey Harper, although aesthetically different, the formula is the same, I want to listen to again and again with particular catchy tracks of Tired TOwer, Suzuki Dreams, Strawberry Lite and Starmaker!

Other than that, I am gathering more information as usual on the artist pages that I will keep up on over the following days. Will keep you further posted.